Saturday, 7 March 2015

You know you're a knitting geek, when ....

  • You see a poster for Night at the Museum 2 and recognise one of the characters from Stitch and Bitch:

(If you were wondering, I'm referring to the Native American lady on the right hand side) 

  • You see an advert for Candy Crush Soda Saga and wonder how the jumper was knitted:

  • You see a music video and are too busy admiring the cable work on the sweater to pay any attention to the song

  • You see an exhibition of medical equipment and automatically assume that these are mini blocking wires:

(They're not, they're suture needles - so not a million miles unrelated to knitting) 

OK - so what geekery did I miss out on ? 

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Happy 2020

This blog seems somewhat neglected, but I promise I've not forgotten it.  Both life and knitting have happened, and plans are being made...